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Car Talk

“About that assignment,” and I see my son shrink in the backseat. Which, considering he’s almost six feet tall is quite a feat. ” Did you...


There’s a wobble in his voice, “I don’t know, I just wanted to do more stuff.” My son and daughter are currently camping in California...


Last week we were in the home of some acquaintances. You know when adults and kids are kind of forced into mingling situations. Adults...

This is Love!

I purposely didn’t write a story on Valentine’s Day. Not because I’m anti-Valentines, though I am, but because this year I didn’t even...


Every year, I say, “This was a crazy summer!” And every year I mean it, but then the next summer is even crazier, busier, more exciting....

The Best Valentine’s Gift Ever

If you know anything about me or have read any of my posts in the past, you know that Valentines is not my favorite holiday. So, when I...

I finished and now what?

Sunday, I submitted the final paper of my Masters program. After almost three years of weekly homework, I’m done. No more required...

Some Kind of Superhero

Tonight, we’re sitting here in bed relaxing. Friday evening cuddles, with me already under the covers and the two of them like puppies...

Differences are Great

If I were to describe my family I would start by dividing us up into two groups, “the doers” and “the thinkers”. Two equally fascinating...

It’s Fall!

Yes, it is officially Fall around our house. Leaves fall, get raked up, and back again. Pumpkins, Halloween, these are all indications of...


Eleven has always been my favorite number, the perfect symmetry of it. I couldn't help thinking of that this morning when I woke up and...

An Introvert and Summer Break

This morning I woke up at 6:45 to the sound of my alarm. The kids and I had to go get our passports renewed for an end of summer trip...

Small but Mighty

We didn’t mean to raise a mutton bustin’, mountain climbing, trail riding girl. Her first words were mama and dada just like any other...


That feeling, anxious sweaty palms, as you look across a room for a familiar face. That moment of feeling lost before you find someone. ...

It’s Cold!

It’s cold outside.  We used to live in Wisconsin, not that kind of cold.  But for those of us living in mild Colorado climes, it’s cold. ...

Bad Words and Losing Innocence

A couple weeks ago my son came home and said some kids at school sometimes call each other bad names.  A parent’s worst fear, I asked...

Recovering from Life

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here.  I could say it’s because I didn’t have much to say, that wouldn’t be true.  I could...

Teepee Camping and No Sleep

We go camping once a year, one night in a tent.  Dirty and smelling of smoke the next morning, we wake up too early, pack as fast as we...

To Fathers on Father’s Day

Here’s the thing, though.  If you have a father that is an important part of your life or a husband who loves his children and honors...

The Hidden Scrooge

I run around stringing lights, baking pumpkin bread, making sure everyone on the list has just the right gift.  This is the time of year...

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