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  • Writer's pictureA is for Agape

This is Love!

I purposely didn’t write a story on Valentine’s Day. Not because I’m anti-Valentines, though I am, but because this year I didn’t even have my valentine with me. He was off visiting his mom who needed him as she is sick currently and needed a visit from him. So I was happy to share him.

However as you guys know, if you’ve read any of my Valentines posts, I don’t do Valentine’s Day very well, anyway. I believe that love should be little tokens of affection everyday in many ways.

As I like to say, “Take me out any day but Valentine’s Day.”

Take today for example, Sunday is my sleep in day. You know this about me. I am not a morning person. And, once I do wake up, I like to do it in style, with a cup of cocoa ready for me. Spoiled, much?

Today, however, my family is off doing good deeds, helping friends move. They let me stay home but I assumed no cocoa this morning just sleeping in…still a luxury.

Nine rolls around and I’m ready to make my way downstairs. I’m thinking I’ll make myself a cup of tea. I open the fridge and what do I find, my favorite cocoa order!!

That’s love!

So, no, I don’t need Valentine’s Day or any other special mandated occasions to tell me ‘this is when you celebrate’. I know what love is.

It’s sleeping in because the kids are off having fun with dad. It’s counting on him for anything and everything. It’s cocoa by my bed or unexpectedly in the fridge when he’s doing good for others. It’s every day in little ways that add up to 18 years.

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