Appropriation vs. Celebration
On cultural appropriation vs. celebration, I would like to say that we have said a lot recently on the subject of appropriation but not...
On cultural appropriation vs. celebration, I would like to say that we have said a lot recently on the subject of appropriation but not...
“About that assignment,” and I see my son shrink in the backseat. Which, considering he’s almost six feet tall is quite a feat. ” Did you...
I now have two middle schoolers. Before school even began, my daughter excitedly discussed all the things she wanted to do to her locker....
There’s a wobble in his voice, “I don’t know, I just wanted to do more stuff.” My son and daughter are currently camping in California...
Tonight, we’re sitting here in bed relaxing. Friday evening cuddles, with me already under the covers and the two of them like puppies...
Hey there, my newly nine year old daughter. I see you. You’re getting so tall, so mature, so very, very silly. I love you! You sit at...
Eleven has always been my favorite number, the perfect symmetry of it. I couldn't help thinking of that this morning when I woke up and...
This morning I woke up at 6:45 to the sound of my alarm. The kids and I had to go get our passports renewed for an end of summer trip...
I loved being pregnant. The heaviness in my belly. The thought of this tiny growing thing that I could nurture just by being me. All...
We didn’t mean to raise a mutton bustin’, mountain climbing, trail riding girl. Her first words were mama and dada just like any other...
That feeling, anxious sweaty palms, as you look across a room for a familiar face. That moment of feeling lost before you find someone. ...
I will confess, however, that in the back of my mind I had this idea that once school started life as we knew it would end. Sure, life...
There has been a lot said about raising nice kids. And I approve. I think a nice kid is a BIG deal! But it’s not the end goal… See, a...
I belong to a small women’s group that ranges in life experience from the very young to those that have grown children and everything in...
Showers taken, teeth brushed, kisses and prayers given, each in their own bed, I go off towards my own room when I hear one of them call...
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here. I could say it’s because I didn’t have much to say, that wouldn’t be true. I could...
Today ended the first week of school for my second and fourth graders. Many of you are experiencing the same thing right now. That...
Here’s the thing, though. If you have a father that is an important part of your life or a husband who loves his children and honors...
My dad built my sister and me a playhouse when we were little. We wanted mini furniture and to sleep there at night like the big people...
While watching his favorite cartoons the other morning a public announcement came on, one of the girl empowerment ones. It said that...