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Appropriation vs. Celebration

On cultural appropriation vs. celebration, I would like to say that we have said a lot recently on the subject of appropriation but not...

This is Love!

I purposely didn’t write a story on Valentine’s Day. Not because I’m anti-Valentines, though I am, but because this year I didn’t even...

I finished and now what?

Sunday, I submitted the final paper of my Masters program. After almost three years of weekly homework, I’m done. No more required...

Differences are Great

If I were to describe my family I would start by dividing us up into two groups, “the doers” and “the thinkers”. Two equally fascinating...

An Introvert and Raising Children

I loved being pregnant.  The heaviness in my belly.  The thought of this tiny growing thing that I could nurture just by being me.  All...

Belief in Commitment

I’m a Christian.  More than that, I am a Christian with a religious affiliation.  I have many Christian friends but to have a particular...

They Are Beautiful!

My daughter is beautiful.  Yes, I am her mother so I am a bit biased.  But I have also heard others admire her, comment on her pretty...

Scrub, sniff, scrub, sniff….

My goal is to instill a sense of respect for property.  I also want them to get that it’s about self-esteem.  Because when you know who...

Babbling Brooks and Wild Eyes

My parents just drove away.  My son and daughter debated for half an hour on the length of their stay, was it twelve or thirteen days...

Spandex and Cursing

Last year my husband and I did our first joint ride.  He encouraged me every step of the way, was my biggest supporter.  Even said I...

Play With Your Food

I’m glad he said these words.  I needed to hear them.  Even though I lived with him and saw him working in our kitchen and in a...

Oops, I mentioned Religion and Politics

Every day I wake up and I try teach my children to live their lives centered in Christ.  I want them to make decisions based on what we...

The Anti Valentine or Love Anytime

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day.  You probably thought I should have written a love poem or an Ode to my husband on that day dedicated to...

Love To Heal The Brokeness

This is what we need, to fill our our children with love, breathe it into them so that it overflows.  We need them to feel so intensely...

An Indescribable Quality

My son’s gifts are quantifiable.  I can tick them off on my fingers.  I often speak of them to others, as in, today my son mastered this...

Life Changes (You)

I think at any given time, we are surrounded by people, whether they be close friends, acquaintances, family members, or even ourselves,...

Bubble Wrapping My Kids

My newest mom-title is Shield.  I remember as a child hearing my parents whisper things, knowing there were always discussions that did...

Butting In and Cookie Exchanges

Right now, my husband is on his way to a cookie exchange.  He took our four year old daughter with him.  As I am not feeling well and our...

Bestowing Choice

Let me take a moment to dust off my soapbox, pull out my handkerchief, wipe the smudges from the last time I stepped on it.  I will...

I Didn’t Have To Buy It!

Yesterday while shopping, my daughter saw an awful princess chair.  It was plastic and gaudy and ugly.  To her it was a dream.  She had...

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