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Appropriation vs. Celebration

On cultural appropriation vs. celebration, I would like to say that we have said a lot recently on the subject of appropriation but not...

So What?

I’m in a “So What?” stage of life right now. Do you know this one? It’s that niggling feeling in the back of your mind that tells you to...

I finished and now what?

Sunday, I submitted the final paper of my Masters program. After almost three years of weekly homework, I’m done. No more required...

An Introvert and Raising Children

I loved being pregnant.  The heaviness in my belly.  The thought of this tiny growing thing that I could nurture just by being me.  All...

Bad Words and Losing Innocence

A couple weeks ago my son came home and said some kids at school sometimes call each other bad names.  A parent’s worst fear, I asked...

Scrub, sniff, scrub, sniff….

My goal is to instill a sense of respect for property.  I also want them to get that it’s about self-esteem.  Because when you know who...

On Miracles and Peace

This is what children have that we lose as adults, total Faith.  See, while reading a bedtime story to my son, while telling him about a...

Love To Heal The Brokeness

This is what we need, to fill our our children with love, breathe it into them so that it overflows.  We need them to feel so intensely...

Blog: Blog2
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