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Car Talk

“About that assignment,” and I see my son shrink in the backseat. Which, considering he’s almost six feet tall is quite a feat. ” Did you...


There’s a wobble in his voice, “I don’t know, I just wanted to do more stuff.” My son and daughter are currently camping in California...


Eleven has always been my favorite number, the perfect symmetry of it. I couldn't help thinking of that this morning when I woke up and...

Sunday Mornings – The Dad Version

Recently, while he and I were discussing my gratitude he confessed that his indulgence of my whim is not completely unselfish….what?  I...

Summer Break My Heart

No, we are free.  However, with this freedom comes an absence.  We are a bit lost for what to do with our time.  We had been so scheduled...

An Indescribable Quality

My son’s gifts are quantifiable.  I can tick them off on my fingers.  I often speak of them to others, as in, today my son mastered this...

Little Friends Shed A Few Tears

Instead, I was standing, hands on my hips telling a six year old girl that in the future she should probably not climb onto a chair then...

Santa is a big heartbreaker!

We maintain the right for any other child to believe in Santa.  I lecture the children almost daily during the Christmas season about not...

Butting In and Cookie Exchanges

Right now, my husband is on his way to a cookie exchange.  He took our four year old daughter with him.  As I am not feeling well and our...

Adjustments At Bedtime

After three years of sleeping in the same room, tonight my children will sleep apart for the first time.  For a while now they’ve each...

Santa, Baby Jesus and Rolling Eyes

From the back seat, “Is Jesus more important at Christmas?”  Oh, my, teach me patience during the holidays.  There are still twenty eight...

A Phone-a-Phobe And Her Child

Around our house the phone is for quick texts sent to remind that bread and peanut butter are low, that work is running late, that the...

On Star Wars and Childhood

I watch them in the morning, glued to the television, laughing along with the antics of a rambunctious monkey, following the time...

Popsicles and Smiles

Before I can shut my eyes and fully retreat, there is a tug on my arm, “Mom, remember when we had popsicles, just the other day.” And...

A Childlike Life

When we tell a child they should be better, be different, be our expectation of them, we are changing them, inhibiting them. When we...

The Fort

Grown ups must speak from outside, pass through snacks, crawl down low to whisper love. It’s not that grown ups aren’t allowed, in fact...

The Winning Side

Today I was once again tested by my five year old. While driving from one place to another today, we had 30 minutes in which to enjoy...

Giraffes and Inches

My husband made a giraffe growth chart for the kids before our son was even a year old. I looked at it expectantly, knowing that someday...

I’m Proud of You

And even though you said there would be magic at this party, and games of course, it wasn’t even the most magical thing you did today....

Blog: Blog2
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